Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier | Virgin Islands Port Authority
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Krause Lagoon, St. Croix

The Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier, located in Krause Lagoon, sits on an eight-acre site on the south shore of St. Croix. It provides docking space for cable vessels, cable storage, molasses, and aggregate vessels. The facility consists of a roll-on/roll-off ramp, two separate breasting dolphins for berthing bulk-type vessels, and space for bulk cargo storage.  The construction of this facility was completed in 1998.

The facility is equipped with asphalt and molasses pipelines that extend from the dock to storage tanks. It is also equipped with a 560-foot by 70-foot concrete lighted working apron and a 560-foot sheet pile bulkhead with breasting dolphins on both ends. It can accommodate large vessels with drafts up to 29 feet. 


This multi-purpose facility is primarily used to import molasses by tanker vessels to the Virgin Islands Rum Industries Limited distillery. It is also used for the importation of all liquid asphalt to the island, bulk cargo such as gravel, cement blocks, and other construction materials critical to St. Croix's construction industry. The pier can also accommodate submarine cable vessels, which are used to lay and repair intercontinental underwater telephone cables.


A new cargo facility was completed in June 2022 and has five spacious cargo bays.  The cargo dock at the facility is also being extended and dredging is underway to accommodate the cargo vessels that will use this facility.  VIPA plans to shift cargo operations from the Gallows Bay Marine Facility in Christiansted, St. Croix to the Molasses Pier.


The Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier was named in honor of former V.I. Port Authority executive director Gordon A. Finch of St. Croix by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands via Act No. 6210.

Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier: Service

Ground Breaking Ceremony for the New Terminal at the Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier

21 July 2020 at Krause Lagoon, St. Croix

The Virgin Islands Port Authority built a cargo terminal and made significant improvements to the dock at the Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier. All cargo operations will move from Gallows Bay to the Molasses Pier once this project is completed.  This $24 million project was largely funded via a $10.6 million BUILD  Grant  (Better  Utilizing  Investments to  Leverage Development  Grant) from the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (formerly the  Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Grant).  Matching funds in the amount of $3.8 million were appropriated by the Legislature of the U.S. Virgin Islands.  AT Construction LLC was awarded the landside construction contract via a competitive bidding process.

Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier: Gallery


Krause Lagoon, St. Croix

Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier: Gallery

23 June 2022

Gordon A. Finch

The Molasses Pier was named in honor of former VIPA Executive Director Gordon Allen Finch by the 22nd Legislature of the Virgin Islands via Act No. 6210 (Bill No. 22-0220).  Finch also served on VIPA’s Board of Governors and is a former Commissioner of the VI Department of Public Works. 


During his tenure as Executive Director at the VI Port Authority, Finch is credited with the development of the Ann E. Abramson Marine Facility – St. Croix’s only cruise ship port; the completion of the Cyril E. King Airport Terminal; renovation of the Henry E. Rohlsen Airport Terminal; completing the runway extension at both HERA and CEKA; constructing the Wilmoth E. Blyden Marine Terminal on St. Thomas; improvements to the Boynes Ferry Dock in Cruz Bay; the construction of the Molasses Pier; and constructing a new VIPA administrative building on St. Thomas.


St. Thomas/St. John

8074 Lindbergh Bay, St. Thomas VI  00802 

P.O. Box 301707, St. Thomas, VI 00803 - Mailing


St. Croix

Henry E. Rohlsen Airport Terminal,

Estate Manning Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00821

P.O. Box 1134, St. Croix, VI  00820 - Mailing

Administrative Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8 am -  5pm
​​Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Closed all federal and local holidays


Telephone: 1-340-774-1629    St. Thomas

Telephone: 1-340-774-2975    St. John

Telephone: 1-340-778-1012    St. Croix


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